Product Description
The Spiritual Sword Lectureship Book for 2020:
Bring Them In
Edited by Bradley Smith
Title Page | 1 | ||
Dedication | Bradley Smith | 3 | |
Foreword | Bradley Smith | 5 | |
1 | Are Those in the Denominational World Actually Lost? | Bradley Smith | 15 |
2 | You Never Mentioned Him to Me | Alan E. Highers | 27 |
3 | The Need for Evangelism | Bobby Liddell | 35 |
4 | Is "Teach, Baptize, Teach" Valid? | Keith A. Mosher, Sr | 47 |
5 | Evangelistic Efforts in East Africa | Adam Evans | 59 |
6 | Evangelistic Efforts in Asia | Billy Bland | 73 |
7 | Evangelistic Efforts in Latvia | Ray Peters | 87 |
8 | Why is Evangelism More Successful in India Than the U.S.? | Jack Honeycutt | 99 |
9 | Is Changing Soil an Excuse? | Paul Sain | 111 |
10 | Life As a Missionary's Wife | Magan Evans | 119 |
11 | Helping th eCommunity to Aid Evangelism | Wade Webster | 133 |
12 | Bringing Them In During Difficult Physical Circumstances | Rick Popejoy | 141 |
13 | Bringing Them In During Difficult Spiritual Circumstances | Jason Rollo | 157 |
14 | Good News Today | Jim Dearman | 179 |
15 | GBN | Mark Teske | 189 |
16 | House to House, Heart to Heart | Matt Wadlin | 201 |
17 | Using Social Media in Evangelism | Aaron Gallagher | 213 |
18 | Studying to Prepare for a Personal Bible Study | Tom Wacaster | 223 |
19 | Priscilla – A Role Model for Christian Women | Janis Dearman | 235 |
20 | Getting a Foot in the Door | Michael Clarke | 249 |
21 | Overcoming Discouragement | Paul Mays | 269 |
22 | Being Prepared for Difficult Questoins | David Shannon | 279 |
23 | Little Things that Aid Evangelism | Victor Eskew | 291 |
24 | Reaching Out to Those Who Are Astry | Daniel F. Cates | 301 |
25 | Training Up Children in the Way They Should Go | Brad Harrub | 313 |
26 | Overcoming Fear | Ryan Manning | 323 |
27 | Helaping the "Almost Persuaded" | Westley Hazel | 333 |
28 | Getting Children Involved in Evangelism | Nancy Hixson | 341 |
29 | Using Book, Chapter and Verse to Bring Them In | David H. Prophater | 357 |
30 | The Fields are White Unto Harvest | John Deberry | 369 |
31 | Bringing Patients to the Great Physician | Neal Pollard | 383 |
32 | How to Reach Atheists | Forest Antemasaris | 391 |
33 | Can We Combat Theistic Evolution? | Eric Lyons | 405 |
34 | How Should We Study With Muslims? | Wissam Al-Aethawi | 417 |
35 | Seed Sowers, Not Soil Inspectors | B.J. Clarke | 427 |
36 | Working with New Converts | Robert Jeffries | 443 |
37 | Evangelism in a Busy World | Tish Clarke | 453 |
38 | How Can We Reach the Transgender Community? | Dave Miller | 471 |
39 | Who is Amenable to the Law of Christ? | Mike Hixson | 487 |
40 | "Every Man's Work Shall Be Made Manifest" | Robert R. Taylor, Jr. | 495 |