The Spiritual Sword Bound Volume XXIII: October 1991 | January | April | July 1992

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1991 SS 10-23-01 11992 SS 01-23-02 11992 SS 04-23-03 11992 SS 07-23-04 1

The Spiritual Sword Bound Volume XXIII: October 1991 | January | April | July 1992


Printed Publication – 192 pages

SKU: BV-VOL-XXIII. Category: .

Product Description

The Spiritual Sword Bound Volume-XXIII includes these four Issues:

  • October 1991  "The Restoration Plea"
  • January 1992 –  "Why I Believe"
  • April 1992  "The Final Things"
  • July 1992 –  "Catholicism"

1991 SS 10-23-01 1

Volume 23   October 1991   Number 1  



The Restoration Plea



1 EDITORIAL:  What Is Our Plea? Alan E. Highers
4 The Church That Jesus Built Bobby Duncan
7 The Great Apostasy William Woodson
10 ASSOCIATE EDITORIAL: Is the Restoration Plea Valid?    Jim Laws
14 Do We Have a Pattern?   Gary Workman
17 Can the New Testament Church Be Restored Today?……………….. Hardeman Nichols
22 Foundation Facts and Primary Principles     G. C. Brewer
31 Christianity Is Undenominational    Raymond C. Kelcy
36 Why I Changed Churches   Paul D. Murphy
40 Contemporary Attacks on the Restorati Principle Wayne Jackson
45 An Evaluation of Our Present Status   Alan E. Highers
  IBC Schedule for The Sixteenth Annual Spiritual Sword Lectureship  





1992 SS 01-23-02 1

Volume 23   January, 1992    Number 2


Why I Believe



1 EDITORIAL:  Reasons for Believing  Alan E. Highers
2 Why I Believe in God  Bert Thompson
6 Why I Believe in Jesus Christ William Woodson
9 Why I Believe in the Holy Spirit David Pharr
12 Why I Believe in the Bible   Wayne Jackson
17 Why I Believe the Miracles of the Bible  Roy Lanier, Jr.
20  Why I Believe in the Virgin Birth of Christ    Alan E. Highers
24 Why I Believe in the Inerrancy of the Scriptures Dave Miller
27 ASSOCIATE EDITORIAL:   Why I Believe in the Church of the New Testament Jim Laws
32 Why I Believe in the Inspiration of the Bible    Nick Hamilton
35   Why I Believe in Three in the Godhead   Jason Jackson
38 Why I Believe the Gospel Plan of Salvation    Adron Doran
41 Why I Believe in Life After Death  Bobby Duncan
45 Reflections on the Sixteenth Annual Spiritual Sword Lectureship Joe Hopper
47 WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING  Robert K. Oglesby
  The Trojan Horse Challenge  

























1992 SS 04-23-03 1

Volume 23  April, 1992   Number 3



The Final Things



EDITORIAL: Biblical Eschatology Alan E. Highers
3 Purposes of Christ's Coming Basil Overton
5 The Resurrection and the Last Things William Woodson
9 Will There Be a Thousand-Year Earthly Reign? Hardeman Nichols
13 Some Scriptures Contradicted by Premillennialism Roy H. Lanier, Jr.
16 What About the Rapture and the Tribulation? Dave Miller
20 The A.D. 70 Doctrine   Wayne Jackson
23 The State of the Dead David Pharr
27 The Great Day of Judgment Mac Layton
30 Is There an Eternal Hell? Gary Workman
34 The Reality of Heaven Billy R. Smith
37 ASSOCIATE EDITORIAL: The Nature of Man   Jim Laws 
43 A Review of Armstrongism    Tommy J. Hicks
46 An Examination of Matthew 24  Alan E. Highers














1992 SS 07-23-04 1

Volume 23   July, 1992   Number 4







1 EDITORIAL………………. Alan E. Highers

    Whence Came the Catholic Church?


3 The Man of Sin and Son of Perdition G. C. Brewer

7 Authority in Religion……. Bobby Duncan

10 ………… Can We Understand the Bible?  Basil Overton


13 ………………… ASSOCIATE EDITORIAL  Jim Laws

    Did the Catholic Church Give Us the Bible?

17 ………………. Was Peter the First Pope?    William Woodson

21 …. An Interview With a Former Catholic  Jim Coviello


26 ….. The History of Sprinkling and Infant

    Baptism…………………… Wayne Jackson


31 ………………. Roman Catholic Mariolatry David Pharr

34 ………………………. Marks of Catholicism Gary Workman


39 …… The Doctrine of Transubstantiation  Alan E. Highers

41 ………………………… I Married a Catholic 

45 ………………. The Infallibility of the Pope  Roy H. Lanier, Jr.


Additional Information

Weight .75 oz
Dimensions 9.1 x 6.2 x 5.5 in

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